Search & History Preferences

Accessing Account Preferences

  • Log in to your account.
    • By default, your username is the same as your library card number.
      • If your username has previously been changed, try using your library card number first.
      • If you are unable to log in, contact your library to reset your settings.
    • Your password will likely be the last 4 digits of your library card.


  • After logging in, click on the Preferences tab and select Search & History.

How to update your Search & History Preferences

On this page, you can adjust:

    • How many items you would like to see when you search
    • Which library’s collection you would prefer to search from
    • Where you would prefer to pick up your requested items
    • Whether you would like to:
      • Save a history of your checked out items 
      • Save a history of your holds 
      • Turn off the warning when adding items to a temporary book list
    • Additional users on your library card and their permissions

  • After you’ve completed your adjustments, be sure to click the “Save” button.