Other Ways to Support Us

Workplace Giving 

Employee Matching Gifts are donations a company makes to match its employees’ charitable contributions. Employee matching gifts are typically dollar-for-dollar but some companies go even further by tripling or quadrupling their employees’ donations.  

How to have your gift matched: 

Step 1: Make a donation to York County Libraries. 

Step 2: Ask your employer if they match gifts. 

Step 3: Follow the instructions specific to your employer to have your gift matched. 

Gifts of Stock and Wire Transfers 

York County Libraries welcomes gifts of stocks and by wire transfer. When making your gift, please contact the Development Office at 7178496976 or [email protected] to receive account information and inform us of your gift. 

Book Sales and Fundraising Events 

Our 13 Libraries have books available for purchase at their locations. The selection of books available for purchase at every location is always changing, and they are a great value- nothing is over $5.00! 

Book Sale and Fundraising Events are held at various times throughout the year at each library. Visit our Events Calendar to view upcoming book salesand fundraisers at various library locations. 

In-Kind Gifts 

York County Libraries gratefully accepts donations of material goods and non-cash contributions, which are in line with its mission and programming. Accepted donations, at the discretion of the individual library, include: 

    1. Items, including food, to be used for events or programs sponsored by York County Libraries or Friends Groups, e.g. items donated for a raffle, to be sold at auction, to be given to participants in a library-sponsored program (e.g. SummerQuest). 
    2. Advertising (print, billboard, radio time, television time) for which there has been no charge to York County Libraries. 
    3. A donation of services.
      • Note: Contributed services cannot be counted as a gift and do not qualify as a charitable tax deduction to the donor. However, a donor of services may be able to deduct expenses incurred while performing said services. In such cases, the donor should be advised to consult with a tax accountant. 

Note regarding tax credit: It is the sole responsibility of the donor to determine the value of a contributed item; York County Libraries staff members are unable to assign a value to the donated item(s). 

Please contact your local York County Library to discuss your in-kind donation. 

Book Donations

Our libraries are happy to accept new or used books in good condition! Read more here.

Library Honors Events

York County Libraries’ Honors Events highlight prominent library supporters and community members. A key component of the Honors Event is to raise funds in the name of our Honorees. The host libraries then use these proceeds to help add to their collection. You can learn more about Library Honors Events here.

Have Questions?

For questions about supporting your local library, please contact York County Libraries Development Office at[email protected] or 717-849-6979. Thank you for thinking of York County Libraries!