Our Community Values Libraries

Martin Library is so excited to have received community recognition and several awards related to the work we do in the York community. Our community values libraries.

On Thursday March 28, 2019, The York Revolution presented Martin Library with the Downtown First, Outstanding Non-Profit Award. At that time, the many accomplishments of Martin Library and our staff were recognized.

It was noted that Martin Library impacts our community every day and in multiple ways from after-school programs, early childhood activities for families and access to technology. We are proud that we truly provide needed resources for every member of our community.

Martin Library is currently the Library of the Year awarded by the Pennsylvania Library Association, and Paula Gilbert, the York County Libraries Youth Services Director was awarded the Distinguished Service Award.

On Friday April 12, 2019, Lisa Schmittle and Felicia Alwine Gettle, both received Children’s Champion Awards at the York Early Learning Committee’s annual Week of the Young Child Awards and recognition banquet.  The award is nationally recognized The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Congratulations!

Lisa and Felicia are caring, committed, creative advocates for children and families in the York community. Our libraries and our community are fortunate to have these experts in early childhood and elementary education providing guidance and leadership to our programs. Lisa and Felicia meet with incarcerated parents, sharing their parenting experiences and modeling parenting skills needed to make every child’s future brighter. Each child receives a book and a recording of their parent reading to them. After learning the importance of connecting with children through reading and related activities, many parents bring their families into the library at the first possible opportunity.