Ask the Kids

In need of a smile today? This week I asked a group of young children what they think about the Paul Smith Library. Here are their honest and wholesome responses:
“Great books!” -R. Age 6 
“I like how we can pick out books and read them!” -A. Age 8
“It has cool dinosaur books!” -Z. Age 5
“I like all the fun obstacles outside and fun books! And the LOL doll book!” -L. Age 5
“It has some of my favorite books. It is so cool!” -A. Age 6
“There’s a lot of fun books there!” -A. Age 9
“I like the puppies and alligators outside on the obstacle course and the LOL book!” -A. Age 6
“My favorite thing there is books! And the obstacle course!” -A. Age 6
“I like their books!” -Z. Age 6
“They have funny books and chapter books!” -S. Age 7
“I really like how when I go in I can go to the section where I know the book I am looking for is and find it and also the service is great!” -T. Age 8
“Libraries are the best! You can get sooo many books and for FREE! So awesome!” -A. Age 8