Adult Summer Reading Bingo is back again this year at the Paul Smith Library!
You can sign up at our front desk to receive your BINGO card as well as your first raffle ticket. (The prize we are raffling off this year is the bag full of goodies seen in the picture.) Next, all you have to do is read library books (audiobooks, graphic novels, and eBooks count too) between June 1st and August 30th and then when you bring them back you can get a stamp on your BINGO card for each book read. For every row or column completed (including diagonal) you will receive another raffle ticket in addition to a Book Sale voucher. Complete the entire card to get 3 extra raffle tickets!
All participants are then welcome to join us here at the library for our Adult Reading Celebration on September 9th at 7:00 PM
~Rax Fisher, Library Assistant