What is Civic & Social Literacy?
Civic & Social Literacy is the knowledge and skills to participate, contribute to, and improve the community
Why does Civic & Social Literacy Matter? (statistics taken from www.paforward.org)
- Only 42% of the state’s registered voters voted in the 2010 gubernatorial election.
- Eighty-four percent of proficient adult readers voted in the 2000 presidential election, compared with 53% of below-basic readers.
- Good readers make good citizens. Regular readers are more than twice as likely as non-readers to volunteer or do charity work.
- Only 55% of all Americans know that Congress shares authority over U.S. foreign policy with the President. Almost a quarter incorrectly believe Congress shares this power with the United Nations.
- In a survey that asked 12 questions on well-publicized current events, 18- to 29-year-olds had an average of only 5.5 correct. Nearly half could not name the Speaker of the House or the president of Russia, and 60% did not know how many American troops have been killed in Iraq.
How does the Library support Civic & Social Literacy?
- Quarterly Library Think Tank Events
- Friends of the Library
- Book Displays the coordinate with community partner events
- Community driven volunteer events