Give Local York

By now you’ve probably heard of Give Local York. We encourage you to give to organizations within your community that help meet your needs. At Paul Smith Library, we have a special gift for you. 

If you donate $15 to us on May 4 we will choose a book to dedicate in your honor. We will even put your name on a bookplate!

If you donate $30, we will dedicate a book to you, and you will be entered in a drawing to win FIVE one-day Park Hopper Disney tickets! 

And, for every $15 you give above $30 you will have an additional entry in the drawing! 

Truly, at Paul Smith Library, if you can dream it, you can do it!

So, how do you give to us on May 4? Simply go to anytime on May 4, and select (or search for) “Paul Smith Library”…and then give from the heart! Your support makes our community programs possible, increases our collection, and gives us the means to keep meeting our children’s, teens’, students’, families’, adults’, and seniors’ needs!