Revisiting Old Favorites

What kind of quarantine reader are you? Do you long to escape these troubled times and immerse yourself in historical fiction like Graham Greene’s 1951 bestseller The End of the Affair (Hoopla)? Or do you prefer to confront the pandemic head on and devour dystopian classics such as The Stand by Stephen King (Axis 360) or Kevin Chong’s The Plague (Hoopla)? Perhaps nonfiction is more to your liking and you’re enjoying reading accounts of communities coming together in times of crisis, for example The Day the World Came to Town by Jim Defede or Jose Andres’ We Fed an Island (Axis 360).

As the weeks wear on and I am beginning to be able to focus on something other than the news and sanitizing every surface on an hourly basis, I find myself revisiting old favorite authors. Perhaps it’s the comfort of already knowing how much I’ll enjoy the characters and plot line of any Anne Rivers Siddons novel I pick up. Siddons’ beloved low country locales and the strong women who populate them are proving to be just as entertaining the second time around. In “normal” times I seldom re-read a book, but I’ve been having such fun reconnecting with Molly in Up Island, four old friends in Outer Banks, and Anny in Islands. (Hoopla).

Happily, the works mentioned here are all available on the library’s Hoopla and Axis 360 digital platforms. Just download the apps to your device, find York County Libraries, and set up your account using your library card number. Your pin is the last four numbers of your library card. Information on both platforms can be found here.

The Dillsburg Area Public Library will be re-opening as soon as we can do so safely. Until then, stay safe, keep reading, and know that your library staff is thinking of you every day. We miss you and can’t wait to see you again at the library!

Lynn Michels