A Typical Day at the Library

*Note: I wrote this before COVID-19 or coronavirus were everyday words. Hopefully we will be back to this soon, safely!

So what exactly does a typical day at the Dillsburg Area Public Library look like? Well, in some ways there is no such thing as a typical day, but there are certain rhythms to the day. Here is what a typical day might look like:

Staff arrives before opening to turn on lights and computers, check for phone messages, and to empty the book return. Once opening time arrives, the doors open and patrons start coming in. Circulation staff and volunteers begin to deal with the business of the day: checking in and shelving returned items, helping patrons with different requests, pulling holds to go to other York County Library locations, and the other myriad tasks we do.

If it is a story time day, our younger patrons and their adults start coming into the children’s room for a fun time of stories. Story time is one of the busiest times at the Library. A little after noon we receive delivery of items, including material patrons have on hold. You might see people sit on our comfy chairs and read the newspaper or use the computers and wifi. It’s not unusual for shipments of new books to show up to be processed for our shelves.

Afternoons usually have a little bit of a lull until the school and workday ends and people make their way to the library. If there are programs in the evening, you might see a lecture or a special children’s program taking place. Students come into study, either alone or in small groups. People run in to pick up whatever holds they may have been waiting for.

As closing time approaches, staff begins the task of wrapping up for the day. Staff straighten and tidy up,  shutdown computers, and say goodbye to the last patrons of the day. Doors get locked at closing time and the library is quiet, resting up to do it all over again the next day!

Keith Greenawalt