So What Is Our Staff Up To?

So what are we up to during our unplanned time away from the Dillsburg Area Public Library? Here is the answer to that very question! We miss everybody and are looking forward to getting back as soon as we safely can!
Chris DeLuca
My husband and I enjoyed our trip to the Deep South. We had to cut the trip a little short but got to see most of what we went to see.  Since I’ve been back, I’ve been trying to keep busy in the garden, cleaning house, and volunteering at the Central Penn Food Bank.  Missing everyone at the Library.
Vicky Donson
It is spring so I have been working on getting my home cleaned up. Also organizing my closets and getting rid of unwanted clothing, etc. Of course my favorite activity is reading and I am doing a lot of that.
Keith Greenawalt
I’ve been spending my time at home doing as much work as I can remotely. I am also spending time with my wife (Kami), catching up on some movies, and even finding some time to read. Stay safe and see you all soon!
Craig Magee
My biggest home project is one that is long overdue; I am organizing my personal library. This is no small task.  I have thousands of volumes and I acquired them based on whatever happened to be my fleeting interest at the time of purchase. As I type these words, there is a shelf to my right containing the works of Josephus, a book on the French Revolution, and a biography of Mary Shelley. As any librarian can attest, if the books are not in the proper place, you might as well as not have them at all. I am finding books that I forgot I had and discovering that I have unneeded multiple copies of others.  I have made some improvement in my bibliographic mess, but I have a long way to go. 
Lynn Michels
Greetings from self quarantine! I am expecting a new granddaughter in about 3 weeks so I’ve been sewing curtains for the nursery and finishing a knitted blanket for the baby. I’ve also sewn several “PPE” masks for family and friends.  My garden beds are cleaned up and fertilized and I’ve planted Sweet Pea, Ammi and Hollyhock seeds so far. I have spinach coming up and can’t wait for a salad with spinach and strawberries! I’ve been cooking vegetarian meals for my husband: vegetable lo mein , shepherd’s pie and curried red lentils with carmelized onions were big hits!  Mostly I am missing the library. Can’t wait to see your smiling faces when we reopen!
Bev Motich
My time off has been spent learning and connecting with people via Zoom. As a part time instructor for Messiah College, I had to quickly convert my courses to online learning mode when the school announced its shutdown shortly before the Library. While I can still connect with my students on Zoom, I definitely miss the connections with the workers, patrons and the books at the Library! Can’t wait to see you all soon.
Sue Rizzo
What have I been up to?  That’s easy.  I can tell you in two words.  Sewing Masks!  All day long, I’m sewing face masks for people in the Dillsburg area to wear when they go out in public.
Before the mask sewing frenzy hit, I spent my time happily at home.  My family is fortunate to have both mom and dad working from home.  I spend time with my son, Nicholas, gardening and mulching.  I spend time with my son, Christopher, baking pies and cakes.  I spend time with my husband, Joe, taking long sunset walks around the neighborhood.  We all enjoy hiking together, playing Catan, and toasting marshmallows around our campfire.