Start Your Preschooler’s 1000 Books Today

If you have young children, let us help you keep your resolution TO READ this year.

Good intentions develop into good habits when you have some encouragement and accountability along the way.  At the Dillsburg Area Public Library, we love to see you and your kids succeed.  We encourage parents of young children to register for our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program.  We will cheer you along as you reach milestones along the way to 1000 books.  When you reach your goals as a parent TO READ with your children, you will find that your children are hungry to learn, and ready to thrive when they start kindergarten.

A few books a day quickly adds up.  While you enjoy the closeness of reading together, your children will acquire pre-reading skills without noticing or worrying.  Vocabulary will blossom.  Your children will become aware of the building blocks of language, and be able to put smaller sounds together into words and stories .  They will develop narrative skills and enjoy telling their own stories.  They will love books and the many worlds that books open.
