March is here! And here’s what’s happening at the library…

It’s March! Spring is coming! Time to get out of the house. And what better place to go than the Village Library!
Here’s what’s happening in March:
Join us for Baby/Toddler Storytime Mondays at 10:30 and Preschooler Storytime on Wednesdays at 10:30. Even though it’s March, there’s still a chance of bad weather, so remember: If Dalllastown Schools cancel or delay, storytime will also be cancelled.
Due to the recent budget cuts, the Tech Guru’s schedule has changed. She will be visiting every six weeks rather than once per month. This month, she will be here on Thursday, March 22nd from 2:30-5:30 to answer all of your technology questions. Be sure to bring your device. No appointment necessary!
Our evening book group, the Rowdy Readers, will meet on Thursday, March 15th at 7:30 pm to discuss “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Moneyman.
Our daytime group, the Village Readers, will meet on Thursday, March 22nd at 11 a.m. They will be discussing “The Story of Arthur Truluv” by Elizabeth Berg.
Are you a knitter? If so, why not bring your current project and join the Village Knitters any Thursday evening from 5 until 8.
And finally, yes, the library WILL BE OPEN on Good Friday.