Featured Artist: Cynthia Enanoria

Editors Note: The Dillsburg Area Public Library’s featured artists for September and October 2022 is Cynthia Enanoria.

   Cynthia Enanoria is a retired visual art teacher and visual artist.  Graduating from Kutztown State College (now Kutztown University) and Shippensburg University she taught grades k-7 for 39 years. She enjoyed helping her students make connections between history, culture and visual art. Her earliest paintings explored techniques in watercolor, later expanding into oils and acrylic. Mixed media work is one of her favorite medium to explore.

   As Ms. Enanoria watched news reports on the Russian invasion of Ukraine she was saddened at the anguish the people were suffering. Because art helps us convey the emotions of the human experience a she was compelled to paint the emotions she saw on the people, the devastation and their resilient spirit. Working on un-stretched canvas in acrylic she began painting.  Paintings were stitched onto various fabrics creating layers, representing the complex issues facing the people. Pockets were added to each painting holding various information and a sunflower (or soniasknyk) noting that hope and beauty remain.  She also explored symbolism in some of the paintings.

     Each piece is for sale. Ms. Enanoria feels that art work should be affordable and enjoyed. Each piece of artwork will be sold for a minimum of $25.00. If you wish to increase the price of the sale you may, with all additional monies being donated to the World Central Kitchen. The WCK relief team  provides meals  in areas affected by humanitarian, climate and community crises.  To learn about the World Central Kitchen and their work in Ukraine visit: wck.org/en-us/news/100-million-meals-in-ukraine