Health Literacy

What is Health Literacy?

                Health Literacy is the knowledge and ability to manage your own health and wellness.  

Why does Health Literacy Matter? (statistics taken from

  • Nearly half of all adults have difficulty understanding and using health information.
  • Far more people look for health information online than see a doctor on a typical day.
  • Nothing – not age, income, employment status, education level, or racial and ethnic background – affects health status more than literacy skills.
  • Populations most likely to suffer from low health literacy include those age 65 and over, minorities, immigrant populations, and Medicare/Medicaid recipients.
  • Forty-six percent of American adults cannot understand the label on their prescription medicine.


How does the Library support Health Literacy?

  • Health workshops
  • Wellness programs
  • A variety of print materials on health, wellness, and fitness topics.